My new partner in my new institution, DJKN, placed as new secretary of Director of DJKN..
She has the whole package..
and brave..
She deserve to get the best placement, maybe this is the best way for her..
Although i'm so sad to hear that i will separated with her, have no partner in our OJT, but i will always pray the best for her..
Hopefully she will has many chances to grow, to be success, to get more wealth and stay health
uci, upin, miss bawang kotong..
Maybe we just have a short time to work together, but it means a lot that i can learn many things from you..
thanks to be my craziest supporter, cheerleader, teacher, partner and love advisor
hidup #BawangKotong
ucicha |
ipiiiiiiiiiin makasiiiiiiiiiiiii bangeeeeeeeet *terharu
BalasHapussama-sama ipiiiin...harus ada laporan "my stupidity today" yah..hahahhaha
many thanks my partner, my advisor, very good listener apalagi pas guling-guling jambak-jambak rambut stres karena cintah..bahahhah
it's not the end baby..we're still working together...uyeeeaah
Halo Uci dan Ica,, Menemukan kalian di dunia per-blog-an. Hehehe...
BalasHapusKeep writing girls. Maen2 ke lantai 7 selatan yah.